The Flamingo Group UK property management and interior design

How Can We Help You Maximise Hotel Room Bookings?

Let’s break it down to its simplest element – if you work in the Hotel/BnB industry, your livelihood is built upon getting as many guests as you can accommodate staying in your rooms every single night of the week. With everyone’s strategy now mostly built around online sites such as, exposure has never been easier to come by… but the competition for attention has also skyrocketed. So, what’s the key to success?

At Flamingo Short Lets, we have over 20 years experience in the property and hospitality industry, covering a full range of development, design and management service. It’s fair to say that we’ve seen it all; from the housing market crash to the rise of Airbnb. But we’re proud to say we consistently achieve 96% occupancy rates for our clients; ensuring high property yieldsprofit boosts and fantastic customer service all whilst taking the hassle of property and hospitality management away from you.

As experts in our field, we wanted to take this opportunity to share with you the ways we bring value to each and every one of our clients and help maximise the bookings their hotel receives. So, if you’re ready – let’s get started…

Hotel Listing Optimisation

Each and every site has it own quirks and nuances to master. Whether your main market resides on, Airbnb or TripAdvisor, it takes a dedicated strategy to maximise results. Alongside knowing the individual audience, it is important to optimise your listings’ copy by targeting particular keywords, maximise availability by using calendar scheduling and set dynamic pricing to take advantage of trends whilst remaining competitive with those around you.

Our expert listing team at Flamingo Short Lets specialise in improving your rankings for maximum results. Working with you, we take an objective look at your current strategy to give high quality consultancy and advice to boost the booking numbers you receive. Once perfected, we can also help with the ongoing maintenance of your listing, managing client communications, reacting to market trends and delivering high quality service to set you apart within your market. Want to find out more? Take a look at a recent article on our website where we’ve shared the secrets of Listing Optimization.

Interior Design

We’ve all had the pleasure of visiting a fantastic hotel, alongside the ordeal of a bad experience; whilst many factors contribute, the interior design and features on offer can tip the balance either way. Everyone loves going to a stylish and comfortable Hotel that makes them feel like a true a-lister! It can often be hard to get an objective opinion on the design style of your hotel, with inexperience, budget restraints and design trends quickly leaving a hotel’s decor years behind.

Through detailed analysis of your market, Flamingo Short Lets provide expert advice on the best styles to suit you and your hotel. We work with tangible results in mind; creating an environment which not only maximises your earning potential, but contributes to a wider booking-boosting strategy to drive higher occupancy rates and bring you higher profits.

Stunning Photography

With your Interior Design mastered and your Listing Optimisation strategy in place, showing off your hotel is vital to ensure your next guests know exactly how fantastic a stay with you can be. Everyone has a camera in their phone nowadays, but dedicated and professional property photography is a must to ensure you showcase your hotel in a way that will attract more attention and boost your online bookings.

We have worked with many clients to sell the dream getaway to guests all over the world. We don’t only create amazing places to stay, we help you showcase them in a way which will get your market interested and ultimately, boost your bookings and maximise your profits. At Flamingo Short Lets, we want to highlight the best features of your hotel to help you stand out above the crowd and ensure guests know the best place to be in town, is with you.

Professional Property Maintenance

It’s inevitable that as guests come and go within your Hotel, that you’re going to incur some wear and tear damage both in the rooms and any communal areas. With the damage identified, it is important that you have a bank of reliable, professional and high quality tradespeople to reply on to get your Hotel back up to scratch. Failure to do so, will leave your Hotel falling into disrepair; creating a negative attitudes from your guests which may reflect in poor reviews, further damaging your Online Listings chance of success.

At Flamingo Short Lets, our dedicated in house Property Maintenance team are always on hand to ensure your guests have the best experience when staying with you. It doesn’t matter to us if it’s a light bulb change, a faulty electrical appliance or a full scale bathroom replacement, our team will ensure everything is working perfectly to keep your guests happy and coming back for more. Don’t let small niggles affect your chances of repeat bookings and 5 star reviews when our Property Management team can keep your hotel sparkling whilst maximising your profits!


So, if you’re struggling with securing those all important bookings, want to bump up your profits and yields or simply want some advice on Hospitality best practice, feel free to get in touch with us at Flamingo Short Lets – our expert team are always on hand to help. We look forward to catching up soon!

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